What Christmas is All About - thanks to Linus

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Advent Devotions - Day 3

Luke 2:1: In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decreethat a census should be taken of the entire Roman world.

Caesar wanted a headcount of everyone in the entire Roman world. He wanted a “count”. The noun can mean a sum, a tally, a reckoning. But used as a verb, count can mean to matter, to be important, significant, to make a difference. Here we are, counting the days to Christmas, crossing the days off on our calendars as they fly by. You’re probably counting up Christmas presents on your list, and counting the cost as you spend money on those gifts, the decorations, the extra food for the holiday meal, the number of people you’ll have over for the fun and frolic of the season. What can be done to make this Christmas “count” for Christ? How can we centralize the story of our Savior’s birth into our holiday madness and rush? Take a moment today to count your blessings, and to realize how much you count to Christ!

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