What Christmas is All About - thanks to Linus

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Advent Devotions - Day 11

Luke 2:9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified.

God’s glory shown around them – the Greek means to encircle, encompass with light – the light of the glory of the Lord, the Shekinah glory, the brilliant white light of God’s glory, which represented the holiness and presence of God. Just as Mary wrapped the baby Jesus in swaddling clothes, all snug and safe and warm, God wraps us in His light, His love. And yet often we are still afraid.

What do you fear today? Fears can manifest themselves in any/every thing from worry about Christmas not being perfect, anxiety over getting just the right gift, or deep fear of a major loss of relationships, health, beauty, youth, job, home, position. What is causing you fear, worry and anxiety? The past? The present? The future? He holds them all in His nail-pierced hands.

Take it to Jesus – tell Him, tell Him everything, every little detail. Pour yourself out like an offering before Him, unburden yourself. Ask Him for direction on how to deal with whatever is bothering you. He is more than willing to provide you with answers, and if the answer is wait awhile, He will provide you with His incredible peace… simply meet with Him. Allow Him to wrap you up in His love. He will surround you with His light, a lightness that will lift your heart and soul. He calls us to Himself in Matthew 11:28-30, promising we will find rest for our souls. And who can’t use that kind of love, peace and rest, especially in this hectic season? Breath, pray, rest in Jesus, be swaddled in Him this day.

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